Festive period closure days

Festive period closure days

baby in tinsel

We will be closing our offices from Thursday 23 December 2021 and re-opening on Thursday 6 January 2022.

During this time, there are a number of service you can turn to for support, should you need it. These are listed below:

To ask for advice or report a concern about an adult or child, phone Social Care Direct on 0131 200 2327. You can also reach the service out of hours on  0800 731 6969.

Samaritans offer a free and safe place to talk over the phone on  116 123. If you are under 18, you can access free and confidential support from Childline on  0800 1111. You can also text 'SHOUT' to 85258 for free , 24/7 via text message.

If you need medical assistance that cannot wait until your GP surgery is open, contact NHS 24 on 111. In case of emergencies, call 999 and request an ambulance. For non emergency police assistance, call 101 or 999 for emergencies.

If you need food or money in an emrgency, you can self refer to the Scottish Welfare Fund on 0131 529 5299. They can help to process a crisis grant or signpost you to a foodbank.

You can also access specific support from:

Rape Crisis Scotland, who offer a free helpline frmo 6pm - 12 am on  08088 010302 and The National Domestic Abuse Helpline, which is open 24/7 on  0800 315 1234

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish those celebrating a Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.